What I am doing now

You are most likely here because you enjoy crafting. I have been reading up on some of the WoW issues regarding gold making, which make me realize that WoW is not the game for me.

If you want to play a game where gathering and crafting is the cornerstone of the economy, and are not faint of heart, I recommend EVE Online. EVE even has releases purely to support industry. You can play for free if you are good enough manufacturer or trader.

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24 June 2011

Gem Cutting

I am tinkering in the JC market for gems.  What I have noticed is that for the majority of my gem cuts, I sell more Northrend cut gems, and at a higher margin.  I have even re-specialised my under utilized Alchemist to transmuter to make Epic Northrend gems.

As an example : Blue gems : Cata rares vs Northrend Epics


Item Avail Price Chg % Chg Mean Std Dev
L 95% CI H
Ocean Sapphire 26 16.74 -33.16 -66.45% 17.27 10.80
< 1h
Rigid Ocean Sapphire 10 9.95 -2.90 -22.57% 18.81 9.68
< 1h
Solid Ocean Sapphire 38 16.32 -3.58 -17.99% 22.49 11.62
< 1h
Sparkling Ocean Sapphire 8 19.95 10.10 102.54% 28.52 36.91
< 1h
Stormy Ocean Sapphire 15 23.99 -6.67 -21.75% 50.24 23.55
< 1h

The competition for sales is large, and profit margins over selling raw gems thin to non-existant.  Undercutting is as bad as for glyphs (which probably means that you might get some purchase with an early morning posting).


Item Avail Price Chg % Chg Mean Std Dev
L 95% CI H
Majestic Zircon 2 83.60 14.75 21.42% 76.07 10.76
< 1h
Rigid Majestic Zircon 0 300.00 0.00 0% 318.00 57.18
1d, 2h
Solid Majestic Zircon 4 162.00 -1.00 -0.61% 182.27 59.71
< 1h
Sparkling Majestic Zircon 1 300.00 0.00 0% 288.02 34.10
< 1h
Sparkling Majestic Zircon 0 50.00 50.00 Infinity 0.00 0.00
2m, 5d
Stormy Majestic Zircon 2 300.00 0.00 0% 300.00 0.00
< 1h

The competition for sales is very small, and profit margins over selling raw gems very large.  Sure there are not many buyers (twinks and levelling toons), but even fewer sellers.  There is also a shortage of raw gems on the AH, which I supplement with my transmuting Alchemist, and occasionally with a lucky icy prism.

The same type of comparison occurs for other gem colours, with Red coloured gems being a possible exception.

There will be a spike in demand for Cata Rares as raiders refresh their armor with the new raids. Apart from that, I could care less (but not by much) for the Cata Rare market, but as the majority of the effort for crafting and posting Cata gems is already covered by my Northrend Epics, I am selling all the gems above thresholds (with different thresholds based on what raw gem is involved).

Gems are not a huge market for me; too much competition and both of my glyph selling toons (horde and alliance) have a higher average daily profit.  That said, they still are a nice market to be in.


  1. The cata gem market on my realm has been driven into the ground by AH campers and mining bots. So I also lately started putting more effort into selling northrend gems. I have TSM set up for both cata and northrend gems though, so its a highly automated process. Just a bit more work for my transmuter.

  2. i've gotten into the NR epic market in the last month and it is now my new favorite (most profitable) niche.

    i've started buying up all the NR rares that I can and transmuting them for profits of +200 per for cut epics.

    there is only one other person in the market and they are not very savvy. i'm really hoping more people DON'T notice how much money is to be made here.


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